Hamilton College
Geoscience Department 198 College Hill Rd. Clinton, NY 13323 |
Ph.D., Geological Sciences; Minor: Wildlife Conservation and Ecology
University of Florida- August 2021
Dissertation: Freshwater Conservation Paleobiology: Understanding the Historical Ecology of Spring-Fed Fluvial Systems in Florida Using Fossil and Modern Mollusks, Advisor: Michal Kowalewski
M.S., Geology
University of Georgia- May 2015
Thesis: Community paleoecology and biogepgraphy of the Jurassic (Bajocian-Oxfordian) Sundance Seaway in the Bighorn Basin of Wyoming and Montana, Advisor: Steven M. Holland
B.S., Primary Major: Geology; Secondary Major: Government
College of William & Mary- May 2013
Thesis: Reconstructing the age and paleoenvironment of a Crassostrea virginica reef deposit at Holland Point, Virginia, Advisor: Rowan Lockwood
Ph.D., Geological Sciences; Minor: Wildlife Conservation and Ecology
University of Florida- August 2021
Dissertation: Freshwater Conservation Paleobiology: Understanding the Historical Ecology of Spring-Fed Fluvial Systems in Florida Using Fossil and Modern Mollusks, Advisor: Michal Kowalewski
M.S., Geology
University of Georgia- May 2015
Thesis: Community paleoecology and biogepgraphy of the Jurassic (Bajocian-Oxfordian) Sundance Seaway in the Bighorn Basin of Wyoming and Montana, Advisor: Steven M. Holland
B.S., Primary Major: Geology; Secondary Major: Government
College of William & Mary- May 2013
Thesis: Reconstructing the age and paleoenvironment of a Crassostrea virginica reef deposit at Holland Point, Virginia, Advisor: Rowan Lockwood
Current Position
Visiting Assistant Professor
2021-present, Geoscience Department, Hamilton College
Visiting Assistant Professor
2021-present, Geoscience Department, Hamilton College
Teaching Experience
Instructor of Record Geoscience Department, Hamilton College GEOSC/BIO 290: Paleontology (Fall 2021) Teaching Assistant Department of Geosciences, University of Florida GLY 1500L: Florida Geology Lab (Fall 2016) GLY 2100L: Historical Geology Lab (Spring 2017) GLY 3501C: Evolution of Earth and Life in North America Lab (Falls 2019, 2020 Online) GLY 3603C: Paleontology Lab (Springs 2016, 2018, 2020- Partial Online) GLY 3083C: Fundamentals of Marine Science (Spring 2019) Gerace Research Centre (GRC) Taphonomic and Ecological Processes in Tropical Environments Field Course (Summer 2017) 5-week fieldcourse on San Salvador Island, The Bahamas Department of Geology, University of Georgia GEOL 1121L: Earth Processes and Environments Lab (Fall 2014, Spring 2015) GEOL 1122L: Earth's History of Global Change Lab (Fall 2013, 2014; Spring 2014) Department of Geology, College of William & Mary GEO 310: Tropical Coral Reef Environments of the Bahamas (Spring 2017) 1-week fieldcourse at GRC, San Salvador Island, The Bahamas |
Professional Experience
Research Assistant Invertebrate Paleontology Division, Florida Museum of Natural History, UF (2015-2021) Teaching Assistant Department of Geological Sciences, UF (2015-2020) Teaching Assistant Department of Geology, University of Georgia (2013-2015) Residence Assistant Johns Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth (Summer 2013, 2015) Residence Assistant College of William & Mary (2012-2013) Research Assistant Department of Geology, College of William & Mary (2012) |
* denotes undergraduate coauthors
Monarrez, P.D., J.B. Zimmt, A.M. Clement, W. Gearty, J.J. Jacisin III, K.M. Jenkins, K.M. Kusnerik, A.W. Poust, S. V. Robson, J.A. Sclafani, K.T. Stilson, S.D. Tennakoon, and C.M. Thompson. 2021. Our past creates our present: A brief overview of racism in Western paleontology. Paleobiology. DOI: 10.1017/pab.2021.28
Kusnerik, K.M., G.H. Means, R.W. Portell, M. Brenner, Q. Hua, A. Kannai*, R. Means, M.A. Monroe*, M. Kowalewski. 2020. Live, Dead, and Fossil Mollusks in Florida Freshwater Springs and Spring-Fed Rivers: Taphonomic Pathways and the Formation of Multi-Sourced, Time-Averaged Death Assemblages. Paleobiology. 46(3):356-378.
Nawrot, R., D. Scarponi, M. Azzarone, T.A. Dexter, K.M. Kusnerik, J.M. Wittmer, A. Amorosi, and M. Kowalewski, 2018, Stratigraphic signatures of mass extinctions: Ecological and sedimentary determinants. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 285(1886). PDF
Kusnerik, K.M., R. Lockwood, and A.M. Grant, 2018, Conservation paleobiology: establishing a baseline for Chesapeake oyster restoration, in C.L. Tyler and C.S. Schneider (eds). Marine Conservation Paleobiology. PDF
Scarponi, D., M. Azzarone, K. Kusnerik, A. Amorosi, K.M. Bohacs, T.M. Drexler, and M. Kowalewski, 2017, Systematic vertical and lateral changes in quality and time resolution of the macrofossil record: Insights form Holocene transgressive deposits, Po coastal plain, Italy. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 87:128-136.
Kusnerik, K.M., G.H. Means, R.W. Portell, A. Kannai*, R. Means, M.A. Monroe*, and M. Kowalewski. 2020. Historical ecology of Florida spring-fed systems using fossil and modern mollusks. (Geo. Soc. Am. Annual Conference, Virtual)
Kusnerik, K.M., A. Kannai*, G.H. Means, R. Means, M.A. Monroe*, R.W. Portell, and M. Kowalewski. 2019. Applying taphonomic approaches to low-impact monitoring of invasive species in Florida's freshwater springs and rivers (Geo. Soc. Am. Annual Conference, Phoenix, Arizona)
Kusnerik, K., G. Means, R. Means, R. Portell, and M. Kowalewski, 2019, The tale of two rivers: Fossil mollusk assemblages of the Wakulla River document ecological consequences of climate change, invasive species, and Hurricane Michael (North American Paleontological Convention, Riverside, California)
Nawrot, R., D. Scarponi, M. Azzarone, K. Kusnerik, T. Dexter, J. Wittmer, and M. Kowalewski, 2019, Environmental and taphonomic controls of diversity patterns across a depositional sequence: Holocene benthic mollusks of the Po plain, Italy (North American Paleontological Convention, Riverside, California)
Kusnerik, K., G.H. Means, R.C. Means, R.W. Portell, and M. Kowalewski, 2019, The response of the Wakulla River molluscan communities to Hurricane Michael: Climatic impacts and invasive species (Florida United Malacologists Annual Meeting, Gainesville, Florida)
Nawrot, R., D. Scarponi, M. Azzarone, T.A. Dexter, K.M. Kusnerik, J.M. Wittmer, A. Amorosi, and M. Kowalewski, 2018, Expressions of extinction events as emergent eco-stratigraphic epiphenomena (Palaeontological Virtual Congress)
Kusnerik, K.M., H. Means, R.W. Portell, and M. Kowalewski, 2018, Taphonomy and time averaging of molluscan death assemblages (Geo. Soc. Am. Annual Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana)
Scarponi, D, M. Azzarone, C. Pellegrini, R. Nawrot, K.M. Kusnerik, T.A. Dexter, J.M. Wittmer, F. Gamberi, F. Trincardi, and M. Kowalewski, 2018, Resilience of delta-associated benthic communities during the latest quaternary glacial-interglacial cycles in the Po plain-Adriatic Sea system (GSA Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana)
Nawrot, R., D. Scarponi, M. Azzarone, A. Amorosi, J.M. Wittmer, T.A. Dexter, K. Kusnerik, R.W. Portell, and M. Kowalewski, 2018, Inferring extinction dynamics from stratigraphic data: lessons from the Holocene fossil record (GSA Southeastern Section Annual Meeting, Knoxville, Tennessee)
Kusnerik, K.M., G.H. Means, R.W. Portell, and M. Kowalewski, 2018, Tracking changes in the historical ecology of Florida’s freshwater springs and rivers using recent and fossil mollusks (National Conference on Ecosystem Restoration 2018, New Orleans, Louisiana)
Kusnerik, K., G. Means, R. Portell, and M. Kowalewski, 2018, Tracking trends in the historical ecology of Florida’s freshwater springs and rivers using fossil and recent mollusks (International Palaeontological Congress, Paris, France)
Scarponi, D., M. Azzarone, C. Pellegrini, R. Nawrot, K. Kusnerik, T. Dexter, J. Wittmer, F. Gamberi, F. Trincardi, and M. Kowalewski, 2018, Documenting climate mediated changes in the Po river deltaic microbenthic systems through latest Quaternary glacial-interglacial cycles (International Palaeontological Congress, Paris, France)
Kowalewski, M., K.M. Kusnerik, A. Bemis, J.D. Slapcinsky, and G. Paulay, 2017, Reconstructing historical ecology of Kane’ohe Bay (Hawaii) using surficial mollusk-dominated shell accumulations (GSA Annual Conference, Seattle, Washington)
Kusnerik, K.M., G.H. Means, R.W. Portell, and M. Kowalewski, 2017, Tracking changes in the historical ecology of Florida’s rivers using recent and fossil freshwater mollusks (GSA Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington)
Nawrot, R., D. Scarponi, M. Azzarone, A. Amorosi, J.M. Wittmer, T.A. Dexter, K.M. Kusnerik, R.W. Portell, and M. Kowalewski, 2017, Stratigraphic artifacts in extinction dynamics: An empirical evaluation using the Holocene fossil record (GSA Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington)
Kusnerik, K.M., G.H. Means, R.W. Portell, and M. Kowalewski, 2017, Using live, dead, and fossil mollusks to reconstruct the historical ecology of Florida’s freshwater springs (American Society of Malacologists Annual Conference 2017, Newark, Delaware)
Nawrot, R., D. Scarponi, M. Azzarone, A. Amorosi, J.M. Wittmer, T.A. Dexter, K. Kusnerik, R.W. Portell, and M. Kowalewski, 2017, Apparent mass extinctions produced by stratigraphic architecture (International Meeting on Taphonomy and Fossilization, Vienna, Austria)
Azzarone, M., D. Scarponi, K. Kusnerik, A. Amorosi, K.M. Bohacs, T.M. Drexler, and M. Kowalewski, 2017, Systematic vertical and lateral changes in quality and time resolution of the macrofossil record: Insights from Holocene transgressive deposits, Po coastal plain, Italy (European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria)
Kowalewski, M., M. Azzarone, K. Kusnerik, T. Dexter, J. Wittmer, and D. Scarponi, 2017, Assessing biological and stratigraphic determinants of fossil abundance: A case example from the late Quatarnary of Po plain, Italy (European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna Austria)
Kusnerik, K.M., H. Means, R.W. Portell, and M. Kowalewski, 2017, Reconstructing the historical ecology of the Silver River, Florida, using living, dead, and fossil mollusks (Florida United Malacologists Annual Meeting, Deland, Florida)
Danise, S., K.M. Kusnerik, and S.M. Holland, 2016, Opening and closing of a short-lived (13 m.y.) seaway: Faunal response to sea-level and climate change (GSA Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado)
Kowalewski, M., K.M. Kusnerik, D. Scarponi, F. Trincardi, M. Azzarone, and C. Pellegrini, 2016, Regional response of marine biodiversity to climate-driven sea-level changes: An example from the Adriatic Sea. (GSA Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado)
Kusnerik, K.M., M. Azzarone, D. Scarponi, A. Amorosi, K.M. Bohacs, M. Kowalewski, and T. Drexler, 2016, Taphonomy of condensed intervals along a depositional profile: Insights from Holocene deposits of the Po Coastal Plain (GSA Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado)
Kusnerik, K.M., H. Means, R.W. Portell, and M. Kowalewski, 2016, Historical ecology of the Silver River, Florida: Comparative analyses of living, dead, and fossil mollusks from freshwater habitats (GSA Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado)
Scarponi, D., M. Kowalewski, M. Azzarone, K.M. Kusnerik, C. Pellegrini, F. Gamberi, F. Trincardi, and T. Drexler, 2016, Long term resilience of mollusk communities to natural climate changes: A case example from the Adriatic Sea (GSA Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado)
Kusnerik, K.M. and S.M. Holland, 2015, Biogeography of the Jurassic Sundance Seaway of Western North America: A test of the single northern entranceway (GSA Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland)
Lockwood, R. and K.M. Kusnerik, 2015, Conservation paleobiology of Chesapeake Oysters, (Palaeontological Association Annual Meeting, Cardiff University and Amgueddfa Cymru)
Kusnerik, K.M. and S.M. Holland, 2015, Community paleoecology of the Jurassic (Bajocian-Oxfordian) Sundance Seaway in the Bighorn Basin of Wyoming and Montana, United States (GSA Southeastern Section Annual Meeting, Chattanooga, Tennessee)
Lockwood, R., S.I Bonanni, E.R. Dale, A.N. Grant, and K.M. Kusnerik, 2014, Using Pleistocene fossil assemblages to establish a baseline for Chesapeake Bay oyster populations (GSA Annual Meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada)
Lockwood, R., S.I. Bonanni, K.M. Kusnerik, and A.N. Grant, 2014, Reconstructing population demographics and paleoenvironment of Pleistocene oyster assemblages: Establishing a baseline for Chesapeake Bay Restoration? (North American Paleontological Convention, Gainesville, Florida)
Kusnerik, K.M., A.N. Grant, and R. Lockwood, 2013, Reconstructing the late Pleistocene paleoenvironment and population ecology of the Eastern Oyster (Crassostrea virginica) at Holland Point, Virginia (GSA Southeastern Section Annual Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico)
* denotes undergraduate coauthors
Monarrez, P.D., J.B. Zimmt, A.M. Clement, W. Gearty, J.J. Jacisin III, K.M. Jenkins, K.M. Kusnerik, A.W. Poust, S. V. Robson, J.A. Sclafani, K.T. Stilson, S.D. Tennakoon, and C.M. Thompson. 2021. Our past creates our present: A brief overview of racism in Western paleontology. Paleobiology. DOI: 10.1017/pab.2021.28
Kusnerik, K.M., G.H. Means, R.W. Portell, M. Brenner, Q. Hua, A. Kannai*, R. Means, M.A. Monroe*, M. Kowalewski. 2020. Live, Dead, and Fossil Mollusks in Florida Freshwater Springs and Spring-Fed Rivers: Taphonomic Pathways and the Formation of Multi-Sourced, Time-Averaged Death Assemblages. Paleobiology. 46(3):356-378.
Nawrot, R., D. Scarponi, M. Azzarone, T.A. Dexter, K.M. Kusnerik, J.M. Wittmer, A. Amorosi, and M. Kowalewski, 2018, Stratigraphic signatures of mass extinctions: Ecological and sedimentary determinants. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 285(1886). PDF
Kusnerik, K.M., R. Lockwood, and A.M. Grant, 2018, Conservation paleobiology: establishing a baseline for Chesapeake oyster restoration, in C.L. Tyler and C.S. Schneider (eds). Marine Conservation Paleobiology. PDF
Scarponi, D., M. Azzarone, K. Kusnerik, A. Amorosi, K.M. Bohacs, T.M. Drexler, and M. Kowalewski, 2017, Systematic vertical and lateral changes in quality and time resolution of the macrofossil record: Insights form Holocene transgressive deposits, Po coastal plain, Italy. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 87:128-136.
Kusnerik, K.M., G.H. Means, R.W. Portell, A. Kannai*, R. Means, M.A. Monroe*, and M. Kowalewski. 2020. Historical ecology of Florida spring-fed systems using fossil and modern mollusks. (Geo. Soc. Am. Annual Conference, Virtual)
Kusnerik, K.M., A. Kannai*, G.H. Means, R. Means, M.A. Monroe*, R.W. Portell, and M. Kowalewski. 2019. Applying taphonomic approaches to low-impact monitoring of invasive species in Florida's freshwater springs and rivers (Geo. Soc. Am. Annual Conference, Phoenix, Arizona)
Kusnerik, K., G. Means, R. Means, R. Portell, and M. Kowalewski, 2019, The tale of two rivers: Fossil mollusk assemblages of the Wakulla River document ecological consequences of climate change, invasive species, and Hurricane Michael (North American Paleontological Convention, Riverside, California)
Nawrot, R., D. Scarponi, M. Azzarone, K. Kusnerik, T. Dexter, J. Wittmer, and M. Kowalewski, 2019, Environmental and taphonomic controls of diversity patterns across a depositional sequence: Holocene benthic mollusks of the Po plain, Italy (North American Paleontological Convention, Riverside, California)
Kusnerik, K., G.H. Means, R.C. Means, R.W. Portell, and M. Kowalewski, 2019, The response of the Wakulla River molluscan communities to Hurricane Michael: Climatic impacts and invasive species (Florida United Malacologists Annual Meeting, Gainesville, Florida)
Nawrot, R., D. Scarponi, M. Azzarone, T.A. Dexter, K.M. Kusnerik, J.M. Wittmer, A. Amorosi, and M. Kowalewski, 2018, Expressions of extinction events as emergent eco-stratigraphic epiphenomena (Palaeontological Virtual Congress)
Kusnerik, K.M., H. Means, R.W. Portell, and M. Kowalewski, 2018, Taphonomy and time averaging of molluscan death assemblages (Geo. Soc. Am. Annual Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana)
Scarponi, D, M. Azzarone, C. Pellegrini, R. Nawrot, K.M. Kusnerik, T.A. Dexter, J.M. Wittmer, F. Gamberi, F. Trincardi, and M. Kowalewski, 2018, Resilience of delta-associated benthic communities during the latest quaternary glacial-interglacial cycles in the Po plain-Adriatic Sea system (GSA Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana)
Nawrot, R., D. Scarponi, M. Azzarone, A. Amorosi, J.M. Wittmer, T.A. Dexter, K. Kusnerik, R.W. Portell, and M. Kowalewski, 2018, Inferring extinction dynamics from stratigraphic data: lessons from the Holocene fossil record (GSA Southeastern Section Annual Meeting, Knoxville, Tennessee)
Kusnerik, K.M., G.H. Means, R.W. Portell, and M. Kowalewski, 2018, Tracking changes in the historical ecology of Florida’s freshwater springs and rivers using recent and fossil mollusks (National Conference on Ecosystem Restoration 2018, New Orleans, Louisiana)
Kusnerik, K., G. Means, R. Portell, and M. Kowalewski, 2018, Tracking trends in the historical ecology of Florida’s freshwater springs and rivers using fossil and recent mollusks (International Palaeontological Congress, Paris, France)
Scarponi, D., M. Azzarone, C. Pellegrini, R. Nawrot, K. Kusnerik, T. Dexter, J. Wittmer, F. Gamberi, F. Trincardi, and M. Kowalewski, 2018, Documenting climate mediated changes in the Po river deltaic microbenthic systems through latest Quaternary glacial-interglacial cycles (International Palaeontological Congress, Paris, France)
Kowalewski, M., K.M. Kusnerik, A. Bemis, J.D. Slapcinsky, and G. Paulay, 2017, Reconstructing historical ecology of Kane’ohe Bay (Hawaii) using surficial mollusk-dominated shell accumulations (GSA Annual Conference, Seattle, Washington)
Kusnerik, K.M., G.H. Means, R.W. Portell, and M. Kowalewski, 2017, Tracking changes in the historical ecology of Florida’s rivers using recent and fossil freshwater mollusks (GSA Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington)
Nawrot, R., D. Scarponi, M. Azzarone, A. Amorosi, J.M. Wittmer, T.A. Dexter, K.M. Kusnerik, R.W. Portell, and M. Kowalewski, 2017, Stratigraphic artifacts in extinction dynamics: An empirical evaluation using the Holocene fossil record (GSA Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington)
Kusnerik, K.M., G.H. Means, R.W. Portell, and M. Kowalewski, 2017, Using live, dead, and fossil mollusks to reconstruct the historical ecology of Florida’s freshwater springs (American Society of Malacologists Annual Conference 2017, Newark, Delaware)
Nawrot, R., D. Scarponi, M. Azzarone, A. Amorosi, J.M. Wittmer, T.A. Dexter, K. Kusnerik, R.W. Portell, and M. Kowalewski, 2017, Apparent mass extinctions produced by stratigraphic architecture (International Meeting on Taphonomy and Fossilization, Vienna, Austria)
Azzarone, M., D. Scarponi, K. Kusnerik, A. Amorosi, K.M. Bohacs, T.M. Drexler, and M. Kowalewski, 2017, Systematic vertical and lateral changes in quality and time resolution of the macrofossil record: Insights from Holocene transgressive deposits, Po coastal plain, Italy (European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria)
Kowalewski, M., M. Azzarone, K. Kusnerik, T. Dexter, J. Wittmer, and D. Scarponi, 2017, Assessing biological and stratigraphic determinants of fossil abundance: A case example from the late Quatarnary of Po plain, Italy (European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna Austria)
Kusnerik, K.M., H. Means, R.W. Portell, and M. Kowalewski, 2017, Reconstructing the historical ecology of the Silver River, Florida, using living, dead, and fossil mollusks (Florida United Malacologists Annual Meeting, Deland, Florida)
Danise, S., K.M. Kusnerik, and S.M. Holland, 2016, Opening and closing of a short-lived (13 m.y.) seaway: Faunal response to sea-level and climate change (GSA Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado)
Kowalewski, M., K.M. Kusnerik, D. Scarponi, F. Trincardi, M. Azzarone, and C. Pellegrini, 2016, Regional response of marine biodiversity to climate-driven sea-level changes: An example from the Adriatic Sea. (GSA Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado)
Kusnerik, K.M., M. Azzarone, D. Scarponi, A. Amorosi, K.M. Bohacs, M. Kowalewski, and T. Drexler, 2016, Taphonomy of condensed intervals along a depositional profile: Insights from Holocene deposits of the Po Coastal Plain (GSA Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado)
Kusnerik, K.M., H. Means, R.W. Portell, and M. Kowalewski, 2016, Historical ecology of the Silver River, Florida: Comparative analyses of living, dead, and fossil mollusks from freshwater habitats (GSA Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado)
Scarponi, D., M. Kowalewski, M. Azzarone, K.M. Kusnerik, C. Pellegrini, F. Gamberi, F. Trincardi, and T. Drexler, 2016, Long term resilience of mollusk communities to natural climate changes: A case example from the Adriatic Sea (GSA Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado)
Kusnerik, K.M. and S.M. Holland, 2015, Biogeography of the Jurassic Sundance Seaway of Western North America: A test of the single northern entranceway (GSA Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland)
Lockwood, R. and K.M. Kusnerik, 2015, Conservation paleobiology of Chesapeake Oysters, (Palaeontological Association Annual Meeting, Cardiff University and Amgueddfa Cymru)
Kusnerik, K.M. and S.M. Holland, 2015, Community paleoecology of the Jurassic (Bajocian-Oxfordian) Sundance Seaway in the Bighorn Basin of Wyoming and Montana, United States (GSA Southeastern Section Annual Meeting, Chattanooga, Tennessee)
Lockwood, R., S.I Bonanni, E.R. Dale, A.N. Grant, and K.M. Kusnerik, 2014, Using Pleistocene fossil assemblages to establish a baseline for Chesapeake Bay oyster populations (GSA Annual Meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada)
Lockwood, R., S.I. Bonanni, K.M. Kusnerik, and A.N. Grant, 2014, Reconstructing population demographics and paleoenvironment of Pleistocene oyster assemblages: Establishing a baseline for Chesapeake Bay Restoration? (North American Paleontological Convention, Gainesville, Florida)
Kusnerik, K.M., A.N. Grant, and R. Lockwood, 2013, Reconstructing the late Pleistocene paleoenvironment and population ecology of the Eastern Oyster (Crassostrea virginica) at Holland Point, Virginia (GSA Southeastern Section Annual Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico)
Invited Talks
North America Research Group. 2021. Putting the dead to work: Conservation paleobiology of Florida's freshwater springs and rivers (Virtual Presentation)
Florida Paleontological Society. 2019. Tracking trends in the historical ecology of Florida’s freshwater springs and rivers using fossil and recent mollusks (Gainesville, Florida)
Southwest Florida Fossil Society. 2018. Historical ecology of Florida springs: Using fossil, dead, and living invertebrate records (Punta Gorda, Florida)
North America Research Group. 2021. Putting the dead to work: Conservation paleobiology of Florida's freshwater springs and rivers (Virtual Presentation)
Florida Paleontological Society. 2019. Tracking trends in the historical ecology of Florida’s freshwater springs and rivers using fossil and recent mollusks (Gainesville, Florida)
Southwest Florida Fossil Society. 2018. Historical ecology of Florida springs: Using fossil, dead, and living invertebrate records (Punta Gorda, Florida)
Grants Awarded
External ($37,865)
Felburn Foundation Research Grant- $30,000
Felburn Foundation Research Grant- $4,200
South West Florida Fossil Society, Leila and William Brayfield Scholarship Award- $1,000
Florida Paleontological Society, Gary S. Morgan Student Research Award- $1,000
Geological Society of America, Graduate Student Research Grant- $865
American Museum of Natural History, Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Fund- $800
Internal ($9,865)
Florida Museum of Natural History, R. Jerry Britt, Jr. Paleontological Scholarship Award- $500
University of Georgia, Department of Geology, Miriam Watts-Wheeler Student Research and Travel Grant- $865
College of William & Mary, Department of Geology, Stofan Geology Fellowship- $1,500
External ($37,865)
Felburn Foundation Research Grant- $30,000
Felburn Foundation Research Grant- $4,200
South West Florida Fossil Society, Leila and William Brayfield Scholarship Award- $1,000
Florida Paleontological Society, Gary S. Morgan Student Research Award- $1,000
Geological Society of America, Graduate Student Research Grant- $865
American Museum of Natural History, Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Fund- $800
Internal ($9,865)
Florida Museum of Natural History, R. Jerry Britt, Jr. Paleontological Scholarship Award- $500
University of Georgia, Department of Geology, Miriam Watts-Wheeler Student Research and Travel Grant- $865
College of William & Mary, Department of Geology, Stofan Geology Fellowship- $1,500
Field Experience
Doctoral Research
Documentation and collection of live, dead, and fossil molluscan assemblages using SCUBA; acted as lead diver for teams of up to four divers;
Locations: Silver River/Silver Springs, Ocklawaha River, Wakulla River/Wakulla Springs, Florida, United States
Duration: 6 dive excursions (2015-2019)
Maximum dive depth: 100 ft
Teaching Assistant for Field Course
Taphonomic and Ecological Processes in Tropical Environments Field Course
Provided academic and safety guidance for 15 undergraduate and graduate students conducting various research projects; under supervision of Drs. Michal Kowalewski (FLMNH) and Troy Dexter (GRC)
Location: Gerace Research Centre, San Salvador Island, The Bahamas
Duration: 5 weeks (Summer 2017)
Maximum Dive Depth: 100 ft
Tropical Coral Reef Environments of the Bahamas
Provided academic and safety guidance to 24 undergraduate students enrolled in regional field biology and geology course; under supervision of Dr. Rowan Lockwood and Linda Morse (Col. of William & Mary)
Location: Gerace Research Centre, San Salvador Island, The Bahamas
Duration: 1 week (Spring 2017)
Masters Research
Collected bulk sediment and rock slab samples for fossil counts, supervised an undergraduate field assistant
Location: Bighorn Basin, Wyoming and Montana
Duration: 5 weeks (Summer 2014)
Undergraduate Thesis Research
Scouting, collection, and measurement of Pleistocene oyster reef deposits for conservation paleoecology and paleoenvironment reconstruction
Locations: James, York, Rappahannock, Piankatank, and Potomac Rivers, Virginia
Duration: Multiple trips over 3 month period (Summer 2012)
As Scientific Diver (associated with other projects)
Provided safety and research support to Ph.D. students and postdoctoral researchers (UF/FLMNH) in reconnaissance and collection of live and dead echinoids and associated crabs
Locations: Florida Gulf Coast; Abaco Island, The Bahamas
Duration: Multiple trips, varying in length between 2-7 days (2018-2019)
Maximum dive depth: 62 ft
Smithsonian MarineGEO Bioblitz
Sampled surficial mollusk shell accumulations, provided safety and research support in collection of live invertebrates for FLMNH Invertebrate Zoology researchers
Location: Kane'ohe Bay, Hawaii
Duration: 1 week (Summer 2017)
Maximum dive depth: 49 ft
Assisted in sampling of live and dead invertebrates in seagrass meadows as component of NSF-funded project under supervision of Drs. Michal Kowalewski and Tom Frazer (UF)
Location: Florida Gulf Coast
Duration: 3 single-day sampling trips
Maximum dive depth: 10 ft
Other Projects
Miocene whale excavation under supervision of Dr. Alton Dooley (VMNH)
Location: near Yorktown, Virginia
Duration: 2 days
Field Courses Attended
Regional field geology of San Salvador, The Bahamas: College of William & Mary (Spring 2012)
Archaeological Field School: James Madison's Montpelier (Summer 2008)
Doctoral Research
Documentation and collection of live, dead, and fossil molluscan assemblages using SCUBA; acted as lead diver for teams of up to four divers;
Locations: Silver River/Silver Springs, Ocklawaha River, Wakulla River/Wakulla Springs, Florida, United States
Duration: 6 dive excursions (2015-2019)
Maximum dive depth: 100 ft
Teaching Assistant for Field Course
Taphonomic and Ecological Processes in Tropical Environments Field Course
Provided academic and safety guidance for 15 undergraduate and graduate students conducting various research projects; under supervision of Drs. Michal Kowalewski (FLMNH) and Troy Dexter (GRC)
Location: Gerace Research Centre, San Salvador Island, The Bahamas
Duration: 5 weeks (Summer 2017)
Maximum Dive Depth: 100 ft
Tropical Coral Reef Environments of the Bahamas
Provided academic and safety guidance to 24 undergraduate students enrolled in regional field biology and geology course; under supervision of Dr. Rowan Lockwood and Linda Morse (Col. of William & Mary)
Location: Gerace Research Centre, San Salvador Island, The Bahamas
Duration: 1 week (Spring 2017)
Masters Research
Collected bulk sediment and rock slab samples for fossil counts, supervised an undergraduate field assistant
Location: Bighorn Basin, Wyoming and Montana
Duration: 5 weeks (Summer 2014)
Undergraduate Thesis Research
Scouting, collection, and measurement of Pleistocene oyster reef deposits for conservation paleoecology and paleoenvironment reconstruction
Locations: James, York, Rappahannock, Piankatank, and Potomac Rivers, Virginia
Duration: Multiple trips over 3 month period (Summer 2012)
As Scientific Diver (associated with other projects)
Provided safety and research support to Ph.D. students and postdoctoral researchers (UF/FLMNH) in reconnaissance and collection of live and dead echinoids and associated crabs
Locations: Florida Gulf Coast; Abaco Island, The Bahamas
Duration: Multiple trips, varying in length between 2-7 days (2018-2019)
Maximum dive depth: 62 ft
Smithsonian MarineGEO Bioblitz
Sampled surficial mollusk shell accumulations, provided safety and research support in collection of live invertebrates for FLMNH Invertebrate Zoology researchers
Location: Kane'ohe Bay, Hawaii
Duration: 1 week (Summer 2017)
Maximum dive depth: 49 ft
Assisted in sampling of live and dead invertebrates in seagrass meadows as component of NSF-funded project under supervision of Drs. Michal Kowalewski and Tom Frazer (UF)
Location: Florida Gulf Coast
Duration: 3 single-day sampling trips
Maximum dive depth: 10 ft
Other Projects
Miocene whale excavation under supervision of Dr. Alton Dooley (VMNH)
Location: near Yorktown, Virginia
Duration: 2 days
Field Courses Attended
Regional field geology of San Salvador, The Bahamas: College of William & Mary (Spring 2012)
Archaeological Field School: James Madison's Montpelier (Summer 2008)
Paleontological Society Ad Hoc Annual Banquet Advisory Committee (2019-2020) This IS PS Liaison (2019-present) Ethics Committee (2019-present) Student Representative (2017-2019) Geological Society of America RISE Liaison (2019) Session Co-Chair (2017) Conservation Paleobiology (Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington) Florida Museum Student Association Club Committee Co-Chair (2020-present) Outreach
Thompson Earth Systems Institute Scientist in Every Florida School (2019-2020) Florida Museum of Natural History National Fossil Day (2016-2019) Can You Dig It? (2016-2019) University of Florida, Department of Geological Sciences Kanapaha Middle School Career Day (2016) |
Honors & Awards
Nichol Paleontology Award University of Florida, Department of Geological Sciences (2021) Ernst Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award University of Florida, Department of Geological Sciences (2020) Future Leaders in Paleontology session speaker, Geo. Soc. Am. Annual Conference Paleontological Society (2019) Nichol Paleontology Award University of Florida, Department of Geological Sciences (2019) Second place student poster competition National Conference on Ecosystem Restoration (2018) Sigma Gamma Epsilon Earth Sciences Honor Society inductee (2012) Eagle Scout Boy Scouts of America (2008) Professional Development
Pedagogy and Technology in the Modern Paleontology Classroom (Paleontological Society Short Course, 2018) Analytical Paleobiology Workshop (2018, 4-week workshop) Sequence Stratigraphy for Graduate Students (GSA Annual Meeting Short Course, 2013) Implicit bias and bystander intervention training and workshop This IS PS: Inclusive and Safe Paleontological Society Museum training at the Florida Museum of Natural History (FLMNH) includes training in digital documentation, curation, and cataloging. |
Technical and Computer Skills
NAUI Diver certification Scientific Diver 100ft Depth Advanced Open Water Nitrox R, ArcGIS, GitHub |
Professional Society Memberships
Paleontological Society, Geological Society of America |